Dynamics 365 Business Central Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts in Dynamics 365 Business Central can make it easier and more efficient to move to different areas in the system. Many of the shortcuts are the same for Windows or macOS. However, there are some differences. The shortcuts that differ for macOS are indicated with a *.

General keyboard shortcuts

Press these keys To do this
Alt Show access keys for selecting actions in the action bar and navigation menu on the page.
Alt+Down Arrow Open a drop-down list or look up a value for a field.
Alt+Up Arrow Show tooltip for a field or a column header of a table.
F2 Toggle between selecting the entire field value or placing the cursor at the end of the field value.
Alt+F2 Show and hide the FactBox pane.
Alt+Shift+F2 Shift between Details and Attachments in the FactBox pane.
Alt+O Add a new note for the selected record, even if the FactBox pane is not open.
Open the Tell Me window.


Open the Find Entries page to find documents and entries related to each other based on common information, like document number or posting date.
Alt+N Open a page to create a new record.
Alt+Shift+N Close a newly created page and open a new one to create a new record.
Alt+T Open the My Settings page.
Alt+Right Arrow Look up additional information or underlying values for a field that contains the […] button.
Shift+F12 Open the role explorer.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Display information in the company badge.
Ctrl+Alt+F1 Open and close the page inspection pane.
The page inspection pane shows information about the page.
Ctrl+C Copy the value of field. If you have selected any text in the field, then it will copy the selected text only.
Ctrl+F1 Open the help pane or a Business Central help article for the page.
Ctrl+F12 Switch between wide and narrow layout view.
Ctrl+Click Navigate during personalising or customising when the action is highlighted with an arrowhead.
Ctrl+F5 Reload the Business Central application.
(Similar to selecting refresh in the browser.)
F5 Refresh the data on the current page. Use this to ensure that the data on the page is up-to-date with any changes.
Ctrl+0 Open the Available Companies pane for switching to another company or environment.
Enter Enable or access the element or control that is in focus.
Esc Close the current page or drop-down list.
Tab Move focus to the next control or element on a page, such as actions, buttons, fields or list headings.
Shift+Tab Move focus to the previous control or element on a page, such as actions, buttons, fields or list headings.
Y and N Activate Yes and No buttons in dialogues.

Lists keyboard shortcuts


Press these keys To do this
Alt+F7 Sort the selected column in ascending or descending order.
Alt+N Insert a new line in an editable list, such as the G/L Budgets page.
Shift+F9 Post and print a document.
Shift+F10 Open a menu of options that are available for the selected row.
Alt+D Open the dimension set entries.
Ctrl+F7 Open ledger entries, logs entries, cost entries, etc.
Ctrl+F9 Release document.
F7 Open statistics
F9 Post, issue, register or reverse document.
Shift+Ctrl+F Send suggested lines on the cash flow worksheets page.
Shift+Ctrl+I View serial and lot numbers assigned to the line item on the document or journal.

Navigating between rows and columns

Press these keys To do this
*Fn+Ctrl+Left Arrow
Select the first row in the list; focus remains in the same column.
*Fn+Ctrl+ Right Arrow
Select the last row in the list; focus remains in the same column.
*Fn+Left Arrow
Move to the first field in the row.
*Fn+Right Arrow
Move to the last field in the row.
Enter Open the record that is associated with the field. Only relevant if a card page is associated with the record.
Ctrl+Enter Move focus to the next element outside the list.
Page Up

*Fn+Up Arrow

Scroll to display the set rows above the current rows in view.
Page Down

* Fn+Down Arrow

Move in the same column to the field in the row below.
Down Arrow Move in the same column to the field in the row below.
Up Arrow Move in the same column to the field in the row above.
Right Arrow In a view-only list, move in the same row to the next field to the right.
In an editable list, move to the right within the current field.
Left Arrow In a view-only list, move in the same row to the previous field to the left.
In an editable list, move to the left within the current field.
Tab In editable list, move in the same row to the next field to the right.
Shift+Tab In editable list, move in the same row to the previous field to the left.

Selecting, copying and pasting

Press these keys To do this
Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you click.
Shift+Click Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you click and all the rows in between.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
*Ctrl+Cmd+Up Arrow
Move focus to the row above and keep the current row selected.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
*Ctrl+Cmd+Down Arrow
Move focus to the row below and keep the current row selected.
Ctrl+Space Bar
Extend the selection of rows to include the focused row.
Select all rows.
Copy the selected rows to the Clipboard.
Paste the selected rows from the Clipboard into the current page or external document, like Microsoft Excel or Outlook email.
Shift+Up Arrow Extend the selection of rows to include the row above.
Shift+Down Arrow Extend the selection of rows to include the row below.
Shift+Page Up
*Shift+Fn+Up Arrow
Extend the selection of rows to include all visible rows above the current selection of rows.
Shift+Page Down
*Shift+Fn+Down Arrow
Extend the selection of rows to include all visible rows below the current selection of rows.
F8 Copy the field in the same column of the row above and paste it into the current row.

Searching and filtering Lists

Press these keys  To do this
F3 Toggles the search box. If the search box is already activated, F3 returns to the list without clearing the search text.
Shift+F3 Open and close the filter pane. Shift+F3 opens the filter pane and focuses on the + Filter action under Filter list by.
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Open and close the filter pane. Ctrl+Shift+F3 opens the filter pane and focuses on the + Filter action under Filter total by.
Alt+F3 Toggle filtering to the selected value. Applies a column filter on the selected field value in the list. If the column is already filtered, Alt+F3 clears the filter on that column.
Shift+Alt+F3 Open the filter pane and add a filter on the selected column in the list. If there is already a filter on the field, a new filter is added.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F3 Reset filters. Filters return to the default filters for the current view. If the current view is All, then this is the same as returning to an unfiltered view with all records.
Ctrl+Enter Change focus from the filter pane back to the list.

Cards and documents keyboard shortcuts

Press these keys To do this
Alt+D Open the dimension set entries
Alt+F6 Toggle collapse/expand for the current FastTab.
Alt+F9 Create new document and post it.
Alt+G Open the Find Entries page for finding entries related to the posted document. Works on lists also.
Alt+N Open a page to create a new record; the same way as choosing the New action.
Alt+Shift+N Close a page and open a new one to create a new record; the same way as selecting the OK & New action.
Alt+Shift+W Open the current card or document in a new window.
Ctrl+Enter Save and close the page.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Open the next record for an entity.
Ctrl+Up Arrow Open the previous record for an entity.
Ctrl+Insert Insert a new line in documents.
Ctrl+Delete Delete the line in documents, journals and worksheets.
Ctrl+F7 Open ledger entries, logs entries, cost entries and so on.
Ctrl+F9 Release document.
Ctrl+Shift+F12 Maximise the line items part on a document page.
Press the keys again to return to the normal display.
F6 Move to the next FastTab or part (sub-page).
F7 Open statistics.
F9 Post, issue, register or reverse document.
Shift+Ctrl+F9 Post, print and put away warehouse receipt.
Shift+F6 Move to previous FastTab or part (sub-page).
Shift+F9 Post and print a document.

Quick entry keyboard shortcuts for fields

Press these keys To do this
Enter Confirm the value in the current field and go to the next Quick Entry field.
Shift+Enter Confirm the value in the current field and go to the previous Quick Entry field.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Confirm the value in the current column and go to next Quick Entry field outside the list.

Keyboard shortcuts in calendar

Press these keys To do this
Ctrl+Home Open the calendar if closed.
Move to the current month, current day.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
*Cmd+Left Arrow
Move to the previous day.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
*Cmd+Right Arrow
Move to the next day.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
*Cmd+Up Arrow
Move to the previous week, same day of the week.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
*Cmd+Down Arrow
Move to the next week, same day of the week.
Enter Select the focused date.
Close the calendar and delete the current date.
Esc Close the calendar without a selection, keep the current date.
Page Down Move to the next month.
Page Up Move to the previous month.

Date fields keyboard shortcuts

Press these keys To do this
t Enter the current date. “T” stands for “today”.
w Enter the work date.

Report preview keyboard shortcuts

Press these keys To do this
Down Arrow Scroll down the page.
Up Arrow Scroll up the page.
Fits the entire page on the page.
Go to the first page of the report.
Go to the last page of the report.
Left Arrow Scroll to the left when the page is zoomed in so that it is not entirely in view.
Right Arrow Scroll to the right when the page is zoomed in so that it is not entirely in view.
Page Down
*Fn+Down Arrow
Go to the next page of the report.
Page Up
*Fn+Up Arrow
Go to the previous page of the report.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Zooming In and Out

Press these keys To do this
Ctrl++ Zoom in on the current page.
Ctrl+- Zoom out on the current page.
Ctrl+0 Zoom in or out to 100% on the current page.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Role Explorer

Press these keys To do this
Shift+F12 Open the role explorer.
F3 Open the Find box in role explorer for finding features based on a given search word or term.
F3 or Ctrl+Up Arrow Moves focus to the next found feature in role explorer. F3 will move focus to the Find box after the last found feature.
Shift+F3 or Ctrl+Up Arrow Move focus to the previous found feature in role explorer.
Ctrl+Shift Expand or collapse all subnodes, in addition to top-level nodes, when you choose the Expand or Collapse action.


Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

Press these keys To do this
Alt+Decimal Separator Switch the output of the decimal separator key to either a full stop (.) or the character determined by the Region setting of the My Settings page.



August 11, 2023


Business Central How-To: Prepayments

February 17, 2025|

Prepayments are payments that are invoiced and posted to a sales or purchase order before you post the final invoice. For example, you might require a deposit before you manufacture items to order, [...]